Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Potluck and Campaign on Wed, May the 4th

Well, the end of the year is upon us and it's finals time but that also means ...


As always, we ask that members please bring a dish (preferably something cultural) to share with the group.  If you are not able to make or buy a dish, do not worry -- you can still join us for food and fellowship.

All you have to do is bring yourself, bring some friends, and/or bring people you want to see join our chapter alliance next year!

The Potluck will be held in DEL RIO 174 from 3:15PM until no later than 7:00PM on Wednesday, May 4th.

Please feel free to bring any board games so that we can also turn this shindig into a game night!

If we do not have games available, I will have a special surprise that has traditionally been a staple of May 4ths.


Officer Elections

During the Potluck, we hope to have our officer candidates present their 1-2 minute speeches at around 4:00PM.

There is still time to sign-up to be a candidate. You can sign up at the following link: http://ptkaax.blogspot.com/2016/04/2016-2017-hallmark-officer-candidacy.html

Several candidates have shown to be force-sensitive and expressed interest in running for office in the council at a prior meeting HAVE NOT signed up yet.  Please do so ASAP.

Cheers ... and ...

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